Is Immigration Costing The Conservatives Votes?

26 February 2024 Comment Migration and freedom of movement

For a government that had argued that Brexit would deliver lower levels of immigration, there were two unwelcome bits of news in November. First, it emerged that net migration had reached a new record high annual total of 745,000. Second, the Supreme Court ruled that Rwanda is not a ‘safe country’ and thus an inappropriate […]

Do Labour Supporters Back A Softer Brexit?

26 February 2024 Comment What should Brexit mean?

Should he win the next general election, one of the key decisions that will face Sir Keir Starmer will be whether and how far to seek a softening of the terms of the Brexit deal negotiated by Boris Johnson. Although Labour have ruled out any attempt to rejoin the EU, the party has left the […]

Do Voters Care About Controls on EU Imports?

31 August 2023 Comment What should Brexit mean?

The defining slogan of the Leave campaign in the 2016 EU referendum was, of course, ‘Take back control’. The slogan not only referenced how Brexit would facilitate control of immigration, but also of goods and services entering the UK. For some advocates of Leave at least, that latter prospect was a crucial part of their […]

Seven Years On: Why Has Brexit Become Less Popular?

23 June 2023 Comment The Brexit Vote: Right or Wrong?

Much has happened in the year that has elapsed between today’s seventh anniversary of the 2016 EU referendum and the sixth anniversary a year ago. Two Prime Ministers have come and gone, one of whom is not even an MP anymore. Nicola Sturgeon has stepped down as First Minister of Scotland after as much as […]

Is Brexit Over? Lessons from the Electoral Geography of the Local Elections

12 May 2023 Comment The Brexit process

Previously we have examined the extent to which the relationship between attitudes towards Brexit and party support has changed since 2019, when most Leave voters backed the Conservatives and most Remain supporters did not. We noted that support for the Conservatives has collapsed among those who voted Leave in 2016, while support for Labour has […]