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Full question: Under the proposed Brexit agreement there will be a transition period after Brexit, during which Britain and the EU will negotiate a longer term trade deal. If a long term deal has not been agreed by the end of the transition period there would be a “backstop deal” to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland. All the UK would remain in a customs union, and Northern Ireland would in addition follow EU single market rules. The “backstop” deal would continue until both the UK and the EU agreed it was no longer needed. Which of the following best reflects your view? The backstop makes sense and should be part of the deal/ The backstop is a bad idea but it’s a price worth paying to secure a deal/ The backstop is a bad idea but it’s a price worth paying to secure a deal/ The backstop is irrelevant because the deal is a bad one anyway.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: