Would you support or oppose removing the whip from MPs who vote against their party on the Brexit vote?

Fieldwork dates: 18 December 2018 - 19 December 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you support or oppose removing the whip from MPs who vote against their party on the Brexit vote?
Fieldwork end date
19 December 2018
Poll by YouGov
Strongly support 9%
Tend to support 15%
Tend to oppose 29%
Strongly oppose 22%
Don't Know 35%

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Full question wording

Next year the proposed Brexit deal is expected to return to Parliament for MPs to vote on whether to support or oppose it. Some MPs are currently expected to vote against their party on this vote. What do you think should happen to MPs who vote against their party on the Brexit deal? Would you support or oppose the following?
The party leadership removing the whip from MPs who rebel on the Brexit vote (that is, expelling them – possibly permanently – from the parliamentary party)?

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