To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose the UK allowing EU citizens to freely travel, study, work, and immigrate to the UK in exchange for the EU allowing UK citizens to freely travel, study, work, and immigrate to the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 7 December 2022 - 18 April 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 3 polls

Results for: To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose the UK allowing EU citizens to freely travel, study, work, and immigrate to the UK in exchange for the EU allowing UK citizens to freely travel, study, work, and immigrate to the EU?
Fieldwork end date
18 April 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
20 February 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
8 December 2022
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
Strongly support 23% 20% 23%
Support 35% 33% 31%
Neither support nor oppose 22% 23% 24%
Oppose 7% 10% 7%
Strongly oppose 5% 5% 7%
Don't know 8% 9% 8%

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Full question wording

To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose the UK allowing EU citizens to freely travel, study, work, and immigrate to the UK in exchange for the EU allowing UK citizens to freely travel, study, work, and immigrate to the EU?

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