How likely is it that David Cameron can come out of discussions with EU leaders with a better deal for Britain before we vote in a referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 19 June 2015 - 17 December 2015
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: How likely is it that David Cameron can come out of discussions with EU leaders with a better deal for Britain before we vote in a referendum?
Fieldwork end date
17 December 2015
Poll by ORB
21 June 2015
Poll by ORB
Very likely 5% 6%
Fairly likely 31% 35%
Fairly unlikely 41% 41%
Very unlikely 22% 19%

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Full question wording

Next week the Prime Minister attends a summit of EU leaders in Brussels where he will attempt to renegotiate Britain's deal with Europe. How likely do you think it is that David Cameron can come out of these and future discussions with EU leaders with a better deal for Britain before we vote in a referendum?

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