Which options for Britain’s future relationship with the EU do you favour the most?

Fieldwork dates: 24 June 2016 - 27 June 2016
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Which options for Britain’s future relationship with the EU do you favour the most?
Fieldwork end date
27 June 2016
Poll by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research
Comprehensive agreement introducing new taxes/tariffs on imports/exports but without requirements to accept EU rules/contribute to EU budget 44%
Series of agreements around each element of the relationship - each time EU rules change, the UK and EU would negotiate whether it would apply to the UK with the EU able to impose penalties if the two sides can't agree 32%
Comprehensive agreement keeping access to common market without new taxes/tariffs in return for the UK accepting free movement and workers’ rights, contributing to EU budget and applying consumer/environmental standards 36%
No formal agreement - instead accept maximum tariff/tax levels for traded goods set out by the WTO but without any requirements to accept EU rules/contribute to EU budget. These tariffs are higher than in any other option 23%
Don't know 32%

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Full question wording

After Britain leaves the European Union, there are four different options for how its relationship with the EU could work. Which TWO of the following do you favour the most:

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