What would be your preferred relationship between the UK and the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 9 August 2018 - 13 August 2018
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What would be your preferred relationship between the UK and the EU?
Fieldwork end date
13 August 2018
Poll by Number Cruncher Politics
Out of the EU with no deal on withdrawal or trade 13%
Out of the EU with a basic deal, but with full control of the migration of people 30%
Out of the EU but inside the single market and without restrictions on migration 9%
In the EU on the same terms as the UK has had until now 29%
In the EU and a member of the single currency 7%
Don't Know 12%

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Full question wording

If you could choose from the following, which would come closest to your preferred relationship between the UK and EU? Should the UK be.. Out of the EU with no deal on withdrawal or trade/ Out of the EU with a basic deal, but with full control of the migration of people/ Out of the EU but inside the single market and without restrictions on migration/ In the EU on the same terms as the UK has had until now/ In the EU and a member of the single currency

See About these data for possible variations