What would be your first preference in a referendum in which the options were remaining in the EU, leaving the EU and accepting a deal along the lines Theresa May has set out, or leaving the EU without a deal?

Fieldwork dates: 16 July 2018 - 11 September 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 6 polls

Results for: What would be your first preference in a referendum in which the options were remaining in the EU, leaving the EU and accepting a deal along the lines Theresa May has set out, or leaving the EU without a deal?
Fieldwork end date
11 September 2018
Poll by Sky Data
20 August 2018
Poll by Sky Data
7 August 2018
Poll by YouGov
23 July 2018
Poll by Sky Data
20 July 2018
Poll by YouGov
17 July 2018
Poll by YouGov
Britain to remain in the European Union 43% 48% 40% 48% 41% 42%
Britain to leave the EU and accept the negotiated deal 15% 12% 11% 13% 9% 15%
Britain to leave the EU without a deal 28% 30% 27% 27% 31% 28%
Would not vote 9% 9% 5% 8% 6% 4%
Don't Know 5% 1% 14% 3% 13% 11%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Imagine there was such a referendum. Imagine that a Brexit deal was struck along the lines of the proposals that Theresa May has set out, and there was a three-way referendum on whether or not it should go ahead.
People would be presented with three options:
Britain to remain a member of the European Union,
Britain to leave the EU and accept the negotiated deal, or
Britain to leave the EU without a deal.
The referendum would be under an alternative vote system, meaning you would cast votes for your FIRST and SECOND preferences. How would you vote?
What would be your first preference?

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