What are the most important opportunities for the UK to take advantage of as a result of being outside of the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 17 June 2023 - 19 August 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: What are the most important opportunities for the UK to take advantage of as a result of being outside of the EU?
Fieldwork end date
19 August 2023
Poll by
17 June 2023
Poll by
Control the type of immigration into the UK from the EU 37% 38%
Reduce the amount of immigration into the UK from the EU 29% 27%
Control immigration into the UK from the EU 0% 26%
Control the United Kingdom’s fishing waters 26% 24%
Negotiate the UK’s own trading relationships 36% 32%
Set the UK’s own regulations on businesses 23% 20%
Set the UK’s own regulations on consumer goods 16% 16%
Set the UK’s own rules on VAT and other taxes 23% 21%
Set the UK’s own health regulations 19% 18%
Provide greater protection of workers’ rights and wages 17% 15%
Provide more protection on goods made in Britain 16% 14%
Import goods from around the world more cheaply 16% 14%
Not have to contribute to the EU's Budget 25% 23%
Another opportunity 4% 2%
None of the above 7% 8%
Don’t know 8% 8%

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Full question wording

In your opinion, which of the following are the most important opportunities for the United Kingdom to take advantage of as a result of being outside of the European Union? You may select up to three. The ability to…  

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