If the Brexit talks break down and there is no deal, the UK may have to choose whether to remain in the EU, or leave the EU without a deal. In those circumstances, should the final decision be made by MPs voting in Parliament or the public voting in a new referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 31 July 2018 - 7 August 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If the Brexit talks break down and there is no deal, the UK may have to choose whether to remain in the EU, or leave the EU without a deal. In those circumstances, should the final decision be made by MPs voting in Parliament or the public voting in a new referendum?
Fieldwork end date
7 August 2018
Poll by YouGov
MPs voting in Parliament 25%
The public voting in a new referendum 50%
Don’t know 25%

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Full question wording

If the Brexit talks break down and there is no deal, the UK may have to choose whether to remain in the EU, or leave the EU without a deal. In those circumstances, should the final decision be made by a MPs voting in Parliament or the public voting in a new referendum?

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