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Full question: Re-joining the Single Market and Customs Union with the EU would reduce trade barriers. A condition of re-joining the single market is accepting free movement of people and following EU product rules. Re-joining the Customs Union means not being able to make our own trade deals outside of the EU but means we would not have to accept free movement of people. How, if at all, should the UK change its relationship with the EU? We should re-join the EU/ We should rejoin the Single Market and Customs Union with the EU/ We should re-join a Customs Union with the EU but not the Single Market/ We should re-join the Single Market but not a Customs Union/ We should renegotiate the trade deal wecurrently have with the EU, but not join the single market or customs union/ We shouldn’t make any changes to our relationship with the EU and leave things as they are/ We should further reduce our alignment and links with the EU

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: