How do you feel about David Cameron’s threat to veto any EU budget deal that is not in Britain’s interests?

Fieldwork dates: 8 November 2012 - 9 November 2012
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How do you feel about David Cameron’s threat to veto any EU budget deal that is not in Britain’s interests?
Fieldwork end date
9 November 2012
Poll by YouGov
A veto would leave Britain more isolated in Europe and make other countries less likely to listen to us in the future. David Cameron should negotiate hard, but not use the veto if he can't get his way 19%
A veto is the best way of ensuring Britain gets what it wants and means other countries would listen to us more if they knew we were willing to use it. 54%
David Cameron should be prepared to use the veto if he can't get agreement 8%
Neither 18%
Don't know *

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Full question wording

David Cameron has threatened to veto any EU budget deal that is not in Britain’s interests. Thinking about this, which of the following best reflects your view?

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