Has the Brexit debate caused rifts and disagreements between you and your family or friends during any of the following periods?

Fieldwork dates: 10 December 2021 - 12 December 2021
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Has the Brexit debate caused rifts and disagreements between you and your family or friends during any of the following periods?
Fieldwork end date
12 December 2021
Poll by Savanta
During the referendum campaign itself 15%
After the referendum but up to when the deal was completed last year 16%
Since the deal was completed last year 13%
Prefer not to say 4%
None of these - I have not had any rifts with family and friends over Brexit 65%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Has the Brexit debate caused rifts and disagreements between you and your family or friends during any of the following periods?

See About these data for possible variations