Would you support or oppose the following Alternative Plan for Brexit: the UK leaving the EU and having a comprehensive customs union, with a UK say on future trade deals, but also close alignment with the single market; matching new EU rights and protections; participation in EU agencies and funding programmes; and agreement on future security arrangements, including access to the European Arrest Warrant?

Fieldwork dates: 28 March 2019 - 30 March 2019
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you support or oppose the following Alternative Plan for Brexit: the UK leaving the EU and having a comprehensive customs union, with a UK say on future trade deals, but also close alignment with the single market; matching new EU rights and protections; participation in EU agencies and funding programmes; and agreement on future security arrangements, including access to the European Arrest Warrant?
Fieldwork end date
30 March 2019
Poll by Deltapoll
Support 32%
Oppose 31%
Don't know 37%

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Full question wording

Thinking about Brexit, would you support or oppose each of the following approaches?
Alternative Plan: UK leaving the EU and having a comprehensive customs union, with a UK say on future trade deals, but also close alignment with the single market; matching new EU rights and protections; participation in EU agencies and funding programmes; and agreement on future security arrangements, including access to the European Arrest Warrant.

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