Would you prefer the number of highly skilled workers from EU countries coming to live in Britain to increase, decrease, or remain about the same?

Fieldwork dates: 9 June 2017 - 14 June 2017
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you prefer the number of highly skilled workers from EU countries coming to live in Britain to increase, decrease, or remain about the same?
Fieldwork end date
14 June 2017
Poll by ICM
Increase 38%
Decrease 15%
Remain about the same 48%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Policies on immigration often affect specific groups of people coming to live in Britain.
For each of the following groups, please tell us whether you would prefer the number of people coming to live in Britain to increase, decrease, or remain about the same.
Highly skilled workers from EU countries

See About these data for possible variations