Would you prefer a hard Brexit for all of the UK, a soft Brexit for all of the UK, or a hard Brexit for Great Britain but a soft Brexit for Northern Ireland?

Fieldwork dates: 9 February 2018 - 12 March 2018
Data from: Northern Ireland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you prefer a hard Brexit for all of the UK, a soft Brexit for all of the UK, or a hard Brexit for Great Britain but a soft Brexit for Northern Ireland?
Fieldwork end date
12 March 2018
Poll by Ipsos
A hard Brexit for all of the UK 12%
A soft Brexit for all of the UK 49%
A hard Brexit for Great Britain, but a soft Brexit for Northern Ireland 19%
Don't know 21%

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Full question wording

And now I would like to ask you about the different possible outcomes of the Brexit negotiations. I
am going to read out three possible outcomes and I would like you to tell me which one is your preferred
A hard Brexit for all of the UK. So, Great Britain and Northern Ireland leave the EU, and this involves
leaving the Single Market and the Customs Union
A soft Brexit for all of the UK. So, Great Britain and Northern Ireland leave the EU, but both of them
stay in the Single Market and the Customs Union
A hard Brexit for Great Britain, but a soft Brexit for Northern Ireland. So, Britain leaves the EU and
the Single Market and the Customs Union. Northern Ireland leaves the EU but stays in the Single
Market and the Customs Union

See About these data for possible variations