Would you be more likely or less likely to vote Liberal Democrat if they supported accepting EU standards on things like worker’s rights, product standards and food safety, and giving EU citizens the right to live in Britain providing they can show they have a job to go to?

Fieldwork dates: 28 April 2023 - 2 May 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you be more likely or less likely to vote Liberal Democrat if they supported accepting EU standards on things like worker’s rights, product standards and food safety, and giving EU citizens the right to live in Britain providing they can show they have a job to go to?
Fieldwork end date
2 May 2023
Poll by Deltapoll
More likely to vote for them if they supported both policies 22%
Less likely to vote for them 9%
No difference - I would vote for them anyway 13%
No difference - I would NOT vote for them anyway 41%
Not sure 16%

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Full question wording

Would you be more likely or less likely to vote Liberal Democrat if they SUPPORTED both policies, on EU standards and workers from the EU?
Accepting EU standards on things like worker's rights, product standards and food safety, rather than the UK deciding its own roles.
Giving EU citizens the right to live in Britain, providing they can show they have a job to go to.

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