Would you be in favour or against allowing banks located in EU countries to provide services to people living in Britain while allowing British banks to provide services to people living in the EU as part of a new agreement with the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 22 September 2016 - 24 October 2016
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you be in favour or against allowing banks located in EU countries to provide services to people living in Britain while allowing British banks to provide services to people living in the EU as part of a new agreement with the EU?
Fieldwork end date
24 October 2016
Poll by NatCen
Strongly in favour 32%
Somewhat in favour 31%
Neither in favour nor against 29%
Somewhat against 3%
Strongly against 2%

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Full question wording

Following the decision to leave the European Union, the UK will have to negotiate a new agreement with the EU. For each of the following things, to what extent would you be in favour or against it being part of that agreement? Allowing banks located in EU countries to provide services to people living in Britain while allowing British banks to provide services to people living in the EU

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