Would preventing countries that use the Euro from imposing extra rules on the City of London make you more likely to vote for Britain to remain in the EU or leave?

Fieldwork dates: 17 October 2015 - 19 October 2015
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would preventing countries that use the Euro from imposing extra rules on the City of London make you more likely to vote for Britain to remain in the EU or leave?
Fieldwork end date
19 October 2015
Poll by Ipsos
Much more likely to vote to remain 13%
A little more likely to vote to remain 12%
Make no difference to my vote 40%
A little more likely to vote to leave 10%
Much more likely to vote to leave 19%
Don’t know 6%

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Full question wording

I am going to read a list of areas in which Britain’s relationship with the European Union could change. For each one, can you please tell me whether it would make you more likely to vote for Britain to remain in the EU, more likely to vote for Britain to leave the EU, or if it would make no difference? Preventing countries that use the Euro currency from imposing extra rules on the City of London

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