Who would you prefer to negotiate with the EU on October 17 about the terms of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn?

Fieldwork dates: 5 September 2019 - 7 September 2019
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Who would you prefer to negotiate with the EU on October 17 about the terms of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn?
Fieldwork end date
7 September 2019
Poll by Deltapoll
Boris Johnson 51%
Jeremey Corbyn 23%
Don't know 27%

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As you may know there will be a summit of
all EU leaders on October 17th. It is possible
that a British General Election will take
place a few days earlier, so the British
Prime Minister at the summit might be
Boris Johnson or might be Jeremy Corbyn.
Putting aside your own party preferences,
who would you prefer to negotiate with
the EU on October 17 about the terms of
Britain's withdrawal from the EU, Boris
Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn?

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