Which four areas do you think the Government should prioritise when seeking to reforms with the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 22 May 2013 - 24 May 2013
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Which four areas do you think the Government should prioritise when seeking to reforms with the EU?
Fieldwork end date
24 May 2013
Poll by Savanta
Allowing the UK to have its own immigration policy 55%
Give the UK parliament more powers to block unwanted EU laws 42%
Reducing Britain's contribution to the EU budget 36%
Allowing the UK to have control over police and criminal justice laws 32%
Allowing the UK to make its own free trade deals with countries outside the EU 24%
Allowing the UK to have control over employment regulation 19%
Making it easier for British businesses to trade in other EU countries 18%
Allowing the UK to have control over health and safety rules 15%
Scrap the European Parliament altogether 14%
Allowing the UK to have control over fishing policy 11%
Allowing the UK to have control over food standards regulation 9%
Allowing the UK to have agricultural subsidies 9%
Allowing the UK to have control over energy and climate change policies 8%
Voting safeguards for countries outside the Single Currency 7%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Which four areas do you think the Government should prioritise when seeking to reform the UK's relationship with the EU? Please select up to 4 items

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