When those who campaigned for Leaving the European Union in 2016 advocated for taking back control over the United Kingdom’s immigration system, what was their primary aim?

Fieldwork dates: 17 June 2023 - 19 August 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: When those who campaigned for Leaving the European Union in 2016 advocated for taking back control over the United Kingdom’s immigration system, what was their primary aim?
Fieldwork end date
19 August 2023
Poll by
17 June 2023
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Reduce the number of immigrants coming into the United Kingdom 64% 63%
Change the type of immigrants coming into the United Kingdom 22% 23%
Don't know 14% 15%

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As far as you understand it, when those who campaigned for Leaving the European Union in 2016 advocated for taking back control over the United Kingdom's immigration system, their primary aim was to

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