What would be your one greatest fear, concern or hesitation about voting for Britain to leave the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 29 March 2016 - 3 April 2016
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What would be your one greatest fear, concern or hesitation about voting for Britain to leave the EU?
Fieldwork end date
3 April 2016
Poll by ORB
Damage the UK economy 26%
Bad for trade 18%
Loss of jobs 11%
UK would be isolated from rest of world 10%
UK would be more at risk in global economic downturn 8%
Loss of freedom of movement 6%
Loss of international influence / relevance 3%
Loss of EU protection and regulation / protection for workers 2%
Need more information 2%
Damage UK's national security / risk of terrorism 2%
Increase in cost of goods 1%
Leap in the dark 1%
Other 2%
Don't know 8%

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Full question wording

Regardless of how you currently plan to vote in a referendum, what would be your ONE greatest fear, concern or hesitation about voting for Britain TO LEAVE THE EU if a referendum was held today?

See About these data for possible variations