What is your view on the UK’s control of its borders since leaving the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 26 May 2023 - 2 June 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What is your view on the UK’s control of its borders since leaving the EU?
Fieldwork end date
2 June 2023
Poll by
The UK had more control over its borders when it was part of the EU 18%
Leaving the EU had no impact on the amount of control the UK has over its borders 36%
The UK has more control over its borders now that it has left the EU 25%
Don't know 20%

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Full question wording

Which of the following comes closest to your view?
The UK had more control over its borders when it was part of the EU;
Leaving the EU had no impact on the amount of control the UK has over its borders; or
The UK has more control over its borders now that it has left the EU.

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