What do you want most from the Brexit deal?

Fieldwork dates: 16 January 2018 - 11 July 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: What do you want most from the Brexit deal?
Fieldwork end date
11 July 2018
Poll by YouGov
17 January 2018
Poll by YouGov
Britain having control over immigration 28% 28%
Britain not having to follow EU rules and regulations 20% 20%
Britain not having to follow the rulings of the European Court of Justice 10% 14%
Britain not having to pay towards the costs of EU membership 20% 20%
Britain being able to negotiate its own trade deals 18% 16%
British companies still having tariff-free access to the EU market 16% 15%
Britain continuing to co-operate with the EU on security and policing 15% 12%
British people still being able to live and work in the EU 18% 19%
The British financial services still being able to operate in the EU 7% 9%
There still being an open border with the Republic of Ireland 10% 8%
None of these 4% 4%
Don't know 13% 12%

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Full question wording

Which of the following things do you want
MOST from the Brexit deal? Please tick up to

See About these data for possible variations