Overall, what do you think the UK should try to do when it comes to our future trading relationship with the European Union (EU)?

Fieldwork dates: 24 November 2023 - 26 November 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Overall, what do you think the UK should try to do when it comes to our future trading relationship with the European Union (EU)?
Fieldwork end date
26 November 2023
Poll by YouGov
Keep our relationship with the EU as it is now 11%
Increase trading relationship with the EU but without joining the single market 33%
Join the single market but not the European Union (EU) 12%
Join the European Union (EU) 34%
Reduce ties between the UK and EU 10%

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Full question wording

Overall, which of the following do you think the UK should try to do when it comes to our future trading relationship with the European Union (EU)? Keep our relationship with the EU as it is now, Increase trading relationship with the EU but without, joining the single market, Join the single market but not the European Union (EU), Join the European Union (EU). Reduce ties between the UK and EU or None of these.

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