Was Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament unlawful or was he right to prorogue Parliament for five weeks?

Fieldwork dates: 25 September 2019 - 27 September 2019
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Was Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament unlawful or was he right to prorogue Parliament for five weeks?
Fieldwork end date
27 September 2019
Poll by Opinium
Boris Johnson’s prorogation of parliament was unlawful and he should not have advised the Queen to prorogue Parliament 49%
Boris Johnson was right to prorogue Parliament, even for five weeks, so that the government could plan a new way forward without the House of Commons sitting 35%
Don’t know / not sure 16%

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Full question wording

The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted unlawfully in advising the Queen to ‘prorogue’ or suspend Parliament. Which of the following best describes your view? Boris Johnson’s prorogation of parliament was unlawful and he should not have advised the Queen to prorogue Parliament/ Boris Johnson was right to prorogue Parliament, even for five weeks, so that the government could plan a new way forward without the House of Commons sitting

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