Thinking about Britain’s relationship with the EU, are Conservative ministers such as Kenneth Clarke (who say they would vote for Britain to stay in the EU if a referendum were held now) putting forward their policies because they feel strongly about the issue, or because they are making a tactical calculation about what to say?

Fieldwork dates: 14 May 2013 - 15 May 2013
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Thinking about Britain’s relationship with the EU, are Conservative ministers such as Kenneth Clarke (who say they would vote for Britain to stay in the EU if a referendum were held now) putting forward their policies because they feel strongly about the issue, or because they are making a tactical calculation about what to say?
Fieldwork end date
15 May 2013
Poll by YouGov
Feel strongly 43%
Tactical calculation 32%
Don't know 24%

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Full question wording

Thinking about Britain’s relationship with the European Union, do you think the following are putting forward their policies mainly because they feel strongly about the issue, or mainly because they are making a tactical calculation about what to say? v) Conservative ministers such as Kenneth Clarke who say they would vote for Britain to stay in the EU if a referendum were held now

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