Should the next government get on with other issues rather than revisiting Brexit or should it revisit our relationship with the EU to get a rekationship that works better for the UK?

Fieldwork dates: 14 December 2022 - 15 December 2022
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Should the next government get on with other issues rather than revisiting Brexit or should it revisit our relationship with the EU to get a rekationship that works better for the UK?
Fieldwork end date
15 December 2022
Poll by YouGov
Rightly or wrongly, Britain has left the European Union and the next Government should get on with other issues facing the country rather than revisiting the issue of Brexit 47%
Brexit and the Brexit deal haven't worked out for the best, and the next Government should revisit our relationship with the EU to get a relationship that works better for the UK 39%
Neither 5%
Don't know 9%

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Full question wording

Which of the following best reflects your view? Rightly or wrongly, Britain has left the European Union and the next Government should get on with other issues facing the country rather than revisiting the issue of Brexit/ Brexit and the Brexit deal haven't worked out for the best, and the next Government should revisit our relationship with the EU to get a relationship that works better for the UK

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