Regarding David Cameron’s management of Britain’s relationship with the rest of the EU, which best reflects your view?

Fieldwork dates: 8 December 2011 - 9 November 2012
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Regarding David Cameron’s management of Britain’s relationship with the rest of the EU, which best reflects your view?
Fieldwork end date
9 November 2012
Poll by YouGov
9 December 2011
Poll by YouGov
David Cameron should be tougher with other European countries 48% 44%
David Cameron should try to work more closely with other European countries 19% 22%
David Cameron gets the balance between being tough and working closely with other European countries about right 15% 17%
Don't know 18% 17%

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Full question wording

Thinking more generally about how David Cameron has managed Britain’s relationship with the rest of the European Union, which of the following statements best reflects your view?

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