Now we would like you to think back to expectations about Brexit. Before 2019, did you expect Brexit to have a good or bad impact on the way immigration to the UK is managed?

Fieldwork dates: 19 June 2024 - 21 June 2024
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Now we would like you to think back to expectations about Brexit. Before 2019, did you expect Brexit to have a good or bad impact on the way immigration to the UK is managed?
Fieldwork end date
21 June 2024
Poll by Opinium
I expected Brexit to have a GOOD impact on this 33%
I expected Brexit to have NO impact on this either way 17%
I expected Brexit to have a BAD impact on this 33%
Not sure 17%

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Full question wording

Now we would like you to think back to expectations about Brexit. Before 2019, did you expect Brexit to have a good or bad impact on the following? The way immigration to the UK is managed

See About these data for possible variations