Would you support or oppose David Cameron agreeing new rules to give the EU extra economic powers over countries in the Eurozone in exchange for the EU agreeing to freeze their budget?

Fieldwork dates: 28 October 2010 - 29 October 2010
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you support or oppose David Cameron agreeing new rules to give the EU extra economic powers over countries in the Eurozone in exchange for the EU agreeing to freeze their budget?
Fieldwork end date
29 October 2010
Poll by YouGov
Support 30%
Oppose 33%
Don't know 37%

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It has been suggested that David Cameron may agree to support new rules giving the EU extra economic powers over countries in the Eurozone in exchange for the European Union agreeing to freeze their budget. Would you support or oppose this deal?

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