Is it more important for Britain to secure trade deals even if it means compromises on food standards or to maintain high food standards even if that means some trade deals are not possible?

Fieldwork dates: 24 September 2020 - 25 September 2020
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Is it more important for Britain to secure trade deals even if it means compromises on food standards or to maintain high food standards even if that means some trade deals are not possible?
Fieldwork end date
25 September 2020
Poll by Deltapoll
Secure trade deals, even if that means some compromises on food standards may be necessary 24%
Maintain high standards for food, even if that means some trade deals are then not possible 76%

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Full question wording

When it comes to Britain negotiating major trade deals with other countries, which of the following comes closest to your own view? The most important priority for Britain is to secure trade deals, even if that means some compromises on food standards may be necessary/ The most important priority for Britain is to maintain high standards for food, even if that means some trade deals are then not possible

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