In your opinion, with the UK outside of the EU, is travelling to a country in the EU on holiday easier, harder, or similar to what it would be otherwise?  

Fieldwork dates: 17 June 2023 - 11 December 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 4 polls

Results for: In your opinion, with the UK outside of the EU, is travelling to a country in the EU on holiday easier, harder, or similar to what it would be otherwise?  
Fieldwork end date
11 December 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
21 October 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
19 August 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
17 June 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
Easier 10% 9% 12% 10%
Harder 45% 45% 47% 48%
Similar 28% 29% 26% 25%
Don't know 17% 17% 14% 17%

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Full question wording

In your opinion, with the United Kingdom outside of the European Union… …is travelling to a country in the European Union on holiday easier, harder, or similar to what it would be otherwise?  

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