If there was a two-option referendum on whether to accept or reject the government’s deal, should it be a choice between accepting the deal and remaining in the EU or between accepting the deal and leaving without a deal?

Fieldwork dates: 6 August 2018 - 10 August 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If there was a two-option referendum on whether to accept or reject the government’s deal, should it be a choice between accepting the deal and remaining in the EU or between accepting the deal and leaving without a deal?
Fieldwork end date
10 August 2018
Poll by BMG Research
Accept the deal reached by the Government and the EU OR the UK remain inside the EU 41%
Accept the deal reached by the Government and the EU OR the UK leave without a deal 35%
Don’t Know 24%

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Full question wording

If there was a two-option referendum on whether to accept or reject the terms of the government’s deal, which of the following options, in addition to accepting the deal reach ed by the Government and the EU, do you think should be on the ballot paper? Accept the deal reached by the Government and the EU OR the UK remain inside the EU/ Accept the deal reached by the Government and the EU OR the UK leave without a deal

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