If there was a referendum in Northern Ireland asking people whether they want Northern Ireland to remain in the UK when the UK leaves the EU, how would you vote?

Fieldwork dates: 9 February 2018 - 12 March 2018
Data from: Northern Ireland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If there was a referendum in Northern Ireland asking people whether they want Northern Ireland to remain in the UK when the UK leaves the EU, how would you vote?
Fieldwork end date
12 March 2018
Poll by Ipsos
Northern Ireland should remain a part of the UK 50%
Northern Ireland should unify with the Republic of Ireland 21%
Don't know 30%

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Full question wording

When the UK leaves the EU, if there was a referendum in Northern Ireland asking people whether
they want Northern Ireland to remain in the United Kingdom or to re-unify with the rest of Ireland, how
would you vote in that referendum?

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