If the UK government were to change the Northern Ireland Protocol in such a way that fixes practical problems with that agreement but in turn causes a trade conflict with the European Union, potentially hitting businesses and consumers, how far do you approve or disapprove of this decision?

Fieldwork dates: 21 September 2022 - 22 September 2022
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If the UK government were to change the Northern Ireland Protocol in such a way that fixes practical problems with that agreement but in turn causes a trade conflict with the European Union, potentially hitting businesses and consumers, how far do you approve or disapprove of this decision?
Fieldwork end date
22 September 2022
Poll by JL Partners
Strongly approve 8%
Somewhat approve 22%
Somewhat disapprove 21%
Strongly disapprove 17%
Don't know 33%

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Full question wording

If the UK government were to change the Northern Ireland Protocol in such a way that fixes practical problems with that agreement but in turn causes a trade conflict with the European Union, potentially hitting businesses and consumers, how far do you approve or disapprove of this decision?

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