How soon, if at all, should migrants from other countries who are working & paying taxes in Britain be able to access the same welfare benefits as British citizens?

Fieldwork dates: 14 March 2019 - 7 February 2021
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 4 polls

Results for: How soon, if at all, should migrants from other countries who are working & paying taxes in Britain be able to access the same welfare benefits as British citizens?
Fieldwork end date
7 February 2021
Poll by NatCen
1 March 2020
Poll by NatCen
6 October 2019
Poll by NatCen
7 April 2019
Poll by NatCen
Immediately 18% 18% 16% 15%
After 1 year 22% 20% 23% 21%
After 3 years 24% 24% 25% 24%
After 5 years 25% 24% 23% 25%
After 10 years 6% 8% 8% 9%
Never 4% 5% 5% 5%

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Full question wording

“Thinking about migrants from other countries who are working and paying taxes in Britain.

How soon, if at all, should they be able to access the same welfare benefits as British citizens?”

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