How much income do you think a British citizen should have before they are allowed to bring their husband/wife into the UK – or do you think there should not be any lower limit?

Fieldwork dates: 5 September 2019 - 7 February 2021
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 3 polls

Results for: How much income do you think a British citizen should have before they are allowed to bring their husband/wife into the UK – or do you think there should not be any lower limit?
Fieldwork end date
7 February 2021
Poll by NatCen
1 March 2020
Poll by NatCen
6 October 2019
Poll by NatCen
At least £40,000 a year 7% 7% 7%
At least £30,000 a year 20% 17% 18%
At least £20,000 a year 21% 21% 22%
At least £15,000 a year 14% 13% 15%
No lower limit 37% 40% 37%

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Full question wording

I would like you to think about someone who is a British citizen who is married to someone who is not a British citizen. They would like to bring their husband/wife into the UK to live.
How much income do you think the British citizen should have before they are allowed to bring their husband/wife into the UK – or do you think there should not be any lower limit?
Please choose the answer closest to your view.

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