Following the election of a new Greek government, should other European countries agree to reduce Greece’s debt and renegotiate its repayment, or insist on the initially agreed terms?

Fieldwork dates: 26 January 2015 - 27 January 2015
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Following the election of a new Greek government, should other European countries agree to reduce Greece’s debt and renegotiate its repayment, or insist on the initially agreed terms?
Fieldwork end date
27 January 2015
Poll by YouGov
Reduce and renegotiate Greece’s debt 35%
Insist on terms as initially agreed 41%
Don't know 24%

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Full question wording

A new government has been elected in Greece that will seek to end austerity measures by renegotiating its debt repayment with other European countries, having the debt reduced and reversing spending cuts. Do you think that other European countries should agree to reduce Greece’s debt and renegotiate its repayment, or should they insist on the terms as they were initially agreed?

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