Does the Liberal Democrats’ policyof cancelling Brexit if they won the next general election make you more or less likely to vote for the Liberal Democrats?

Fieldwork dates: 29 October 2019 - 30 October 2019
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Does the Liberal Democrats’ policyof cancelling Brexit if they won the next general election make you more or less likely to vote for the Liberal Democrats?
Fieldwork end date
30 October 2019
Poll by Survation
Much more likely 18%
Somewhat more likely 14%
Neither more nor less likely 21%
Somewhat less likely 4%
Much less likely 40%
Don't know 3%

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Full question wording

The Liberal Democrats have said they will cancel Brexit if they won the next general election.
To what extent does this policy make you more or less likely to vote for the Liberal Democrats?

See About these data for possible variations