Do you think those parts of the UK who voted to Leave losing faith in the Union would be a price worth paying or not worth paying for stopping Brexit?

Fieldwork dates: 27 September 2019 - 1 October 2019
Data from: England
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think those parts of the UK who voted to Leave losing faith in the Union would be a price worth paying or not worth paying for stopping Brexit?
Fieldwork end date
1 October 2019
Poll by YouGov
I want this to happen regardless of Brexit 11%
I see it as a risk but it’s worth it to remain in the EU 51%
Staying in the EU is not worth the risk of this happening 38%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Some have suggested that stopping Brexit and **remaining in the
EU** might present challenges to the UK but others disagree. For
each of the following please tell us whether you think this would
be a price worth paying or not worth paying for stopping Brexit
Those parts of the UK who voted to Leave losing faith in the Union

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