Do you think the UK re-joining the EU would have a positive or negative impact on the NHS and public services?

Fieldwork dates: 24 January 2023 - 31 May 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Do you think the UK re-joining the EU would have a positive or negative impact on the NHS and public services?
Fieldwork end date
31 May 2023
Poll by
26 January 2023
Poll by
Very positive impact 4% 11%
Fairly positive impact 8% 20%
No impact/made no difference 35% 36%
Fairly negative impact 28% 14%
Very negative impaxct 19% 9%
Don't know 7% 10%

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Full question wording

Do you think the UK re-joining the EU would have a positive or negative impact on the following? The NHS and public services

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