Do you think the UK re-joining the EU would have a positive or negative impact on levels of trade with EU countries?

Fieldwork dates: 24 January 2023 - 31 May 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Do you think the UK re-joining the EU would have a positive or negative impact on levels of trade with EU countries?
Fieldwork end date
31 May 2023
Poll by BMG Research
26 January 2023
Poll by BMG Research
Very positive impact 4% 25%
Fairly positive impact 9% 31%
No impact/made no difference 21% 20%
Fairly negative impact 34% 10%
Very negative impaxct 23% 6%
Don't know 8% 9%

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Full question wording

Do you think the UK re-joining the EU would have a positive or negative impact on the following? Levels of trade with EU countries

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