Do you think that the main political differences in UK society today are between those who vote for different political parties or those who voted on different sides in the EU referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 26 May 2023 - 2 June 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think that the main political differences in UK society today are between those who vote for different political parties or those who voted on different sides in the EU referendum?
Fieldwork end date
2 June 2023
Poll by
The main political differences in UK society today are between those who vote for different political parties 36%
The main political differences in UK society today are between those who voted for different sides of the EU referendum 21%
The main political differences in UK society today are not related to the parties people voted for or the side of the EU referendum a person voted on 19%
Don't know 24%

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Full question wording

Which of the following comes closest to your view? The main political differences in UK society today are between those who vote for different political parties; The main political differences in UK society today are between those who voted for different sides of the EU referendum; or The main political differences in UK society today are not related to the parties people voted for or the side of the EU referendum a person voted on.

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