Do you think that the arrangement agreed between the UK and the EU about selling goods without restrictions will make Northern Ireland’s economy stronger or weaker, or make no difference either way?

Fieldwork dates: 17 June 2023 - 17 June 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think that the arrangement agreed between the UK and the EU about selling goods without restrictions will make Northern Ireland’s economy stronger or weaker, or make no difference either way?
Fieldwork end date
17 June 2023
Poll by
Stronger 42%
Weaker 16%
No difference 22%
Don't know 20%

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Full question wording

Under the arrangements agreed between the United Kingdom and the European Union, businesses in Northern Ireland, unlike businesses in Great Britain, will be able to sell their goods without restrictions in both the United Kingdom and the European Union, though they will have to follow some EU laws and regulations.

Do you think these arrangements will make Northern Ireland's economy stronger or weaker, or make no difference either way?

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