Do you think that if Britain votes to leave the EU the process of leaving would begin immediately, or that Britain would be able to secure a better deal from the rest of the EU and be able to vote again to remain a member under the new terms?

Fieldwork dates: 7 June 2016 - 10 June 2016
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think that if Britain votes to leave the EU the process of leaving would begin immediately, or that Britain would be able to secure a better deal from the rest of the EU and be able to vote again to remain a member under the new terms?
Fieldwork end date
10 June 2016
Poll by Opinium
Britain will be able to secure a better deal and vote again to remain a member 18%
Britain will leave and any new deals will be as a non-member 56%
Don't know 26%

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Full question wording

David Cameron has said that in the event of a Leave vote, the process by which Britain leaves the EU would begin immediately. However, some people have said that if Britain voted to Leave the European Union on June 23rd, it would be able to secure a better deal from the rest of the EU and then be able to vote again to remain part of the EU under the new terms. Which do you believe is more likely to happen in the event of a Leave vote?

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