Do you think that consumer goods sold in Britain should or should not be required to have a British rather than an EU safety certificate?

Fieldwork dates: 18 August 2023 - 19 August 2023
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think that consumer goods sold in Britain should or should not be required to have a British rather than an EU safety certificate?
Fieldwork end date
19 August 2023
Poll by
Definitely should be required 28%
Probably should be required 36%
Probably should NOT be required 16%
Definitely should NOT be required 5%
Don't know 15%

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Full question wording

The UK Government has decided that consumer goods such as fridges and televisions that have a European Union safety certificate can continue to be sold in Britain without having a separate British safety certificate.
Do you think that consumer goods sold in Britain should or should not be required to have a British rather than an EU safety certificate?

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