Do you think David Cameron was right to oppose a suggestion to introduce an EU wide tax on financial transactions, as he claimed the City of London would be damaged?

Fieldwork dates: 8 December 2011 - 9 December 2011
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think David Cameron was right to oppose a suggestion to introduce an EU wide tax on financial transactions, as he claimed the City of London would be damaged?
Fieldwork end date
9 December 2011
Poll by YouGov
Right to oppose 59%
Wrong to oppose 18%
Don't know 23%

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Some European governments have suggested there should be an EU wide tax on financial transactions such as share and derivatives trading to help solve the Eurozone’s debt crisis. David Cameron has opposed this, claiming that the City of London would be damaged by the tax. Do you think David Cameron is right or wrong to oppose the Financial Transaction tax?

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