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Full question: The cabinet finally agreed the government’s position on Brexit talks at yesterday’s Chequers summit. The agreement includes: a. A new UK-EU ‘free trade area,’ with the UK having the same customs regimes, and identical regulations for industrial, agricultural and food goods as the EU. The UK’s much larger services sector would lose their current levels of access to the EU market. b. The government has stated free movement of people will end, to be replaced a ‘mobility framework’ – however is is unclear how this would differ from the controls currently available under EU rules. c. The agreement says that jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice will end, however UK courts would pay ‘due regard’ to European Court of Justice rulings on trade for goods but new joint working between British and European judges will need to be set up. Considering the agreement, do you approve/neither approve nor disapprove/disapprove?

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: